יום שישי, 27 בדצמבר 2013

לבני משפחתנו, חברותינו וחברינו היקרים,

בתחילת  הפרשה שנקרא מחר מספרים לשנו שההתגלות לאבות (אברהם יצחק ויעקב) היתה בעלת אופי שונה מאשר ההתגלות למשה.
ואולי בא הדבר ללמדנו שיש יותר מדרך אחת לחוות רגעים של התגלות, לחוש מימד רוחני; לעתים רגעים אלו הם רגעים של מצוקה. לפעמים יש תחושה עילאית של שמחה והכרת תודה כשקורה לנו משהו משמח; מפגש מרגש עם אדם אחר יכול "לעשות לנו את זה" ולפעמים הפתח ל"שמימי" הוא בעל אופי אינטלקטואלי ופילוסופי. ואולי מייצגים הבדלים אלו בינינו  גם את  האופן בו אנחנו  בד"כ יוצרים קשרים עם אחרים.
שבת שלום לכולכם,
פנחס , ציפי ומשפחתם


ear Family and Friends,
In the beginning of the Torah section we'll be reading tomorrow, there is a distinction between the nature of Divine revelation to our Fathers (Avraham, Yitzhak and Yaakov) and to Moshe.
I guess that teaches us that there is more than one pathway to experience Divinity or Spirituality; sometimes people feel close to It  in moments of distress; sometimes they are grateful when they experience joy. Others  relate to that Dimension through intellectual and philosophical quest. Maybe these differences between people characterize their approach to all relations they establish.
Shabbat Shalom to all,
Pinchas, Tzippie & Family

Shabbat Shalom from the Leiser family

יום שישי, 20 בדצמבר 2013

הזר כאיום - The stranger as a threat

לבני משפחתנו, חברותינו וחברינו היקרים,
מחר נתחיל לקרוא בספר שמות.
אחרי מות יוסף, קם דור חדש (מלך חדש או מלך המתנכר לעבר - "שנתחדשו גזירותיו") המשעבד את ה"זרים", את "בני ישראל"
לעתים, הזרים נתפסים כאיום על ידי ה"ילידים", אזרחי המקום1; לעתים יכולים מנהיגים  לשלוט בעם ע"י הפחדה מה"איום הדמוגרפי", כדי לטשטש מחלוקות פנימיות ולחזק את הלכידות השבטית ע"י הפניית הזעם והתסכול כלפי ה"זרים".
ואולי זהו אחד הלקחים החשובים שיש ללמוד מגלות מצרםי
שבת שלום לכולכם
פנחס, ציפי ומשפחתם 

Dear Family and Friends,
Tomorrow, we start a new Book; Shemoth -Exodus.
After Yossef died, a new generation of Egyptians started oppressing the  "strangers", the "sons of Israel".
Apparently, very often foreigners are considered a threat by the "natives" or sometimes  leaders can very easily manipulate people and arouse anxiety about a "demographic problem", in order to avoid internal dissidence and strenghten tribal cohesion and channel people's aggression towards the "strangers".
Maybe that's one of the important lessons we can learn from the formative exile in Egypt.
Shabbat Shalom to all
Pinchas, Tzippie and Family.

יום שלישי, 10 בדצמבר 2013

Revealing the sealed



Rashi, in the footsteps of Midrash Bereishit Rabba (Tsav, 1) opens his commentary on this parasha with a homiletic explanation of the traditional transcription of this parasha:
Yaakov lived - Why is this parasha 'sealed'? (The Masoretic text of the Bible is divided into parshiot. (The division into chapters was a later innovation of Christian scholarship). There are 'open' parshiot (petuchot), the ends of which are indicated by an open space extending to the end of the line, and there are 'sealed' parshiot (s'tumot), which are followed by a space of nine letters.) When Yaakov died, the eyes and the hearts of Israel were sealed because of the distress of the servitude which had begun. An alternate explanation: He wished to divulge the end to his children but it was concealed from him." (Rashi, Bereishit 47:28)
Rashi chose to explain not the words, but rather the absence of open space between the parshiot, seeing in the 's'tumot' an allusion to two types of 's'tumot'of 'sealings': the sealing of the eyes and hearts of the people enslaved after the demise of our father Yaakov, and the sealing of Yaakov's ability to reveal the end to his sons.
True, there is no explicit evidence in the Bible that the bondage began with Yaakov's death, for it is only at the beginning of the Book of Shemot, after Yosef's death, that there arises a new king over Egypt "who did not know of Yosef", and therefore we should perhaps understand the words of the Midrash in the sense of the Midrashic explication (also adopted by Rashi) to "Know well that your offspring shall be strangers in a land not theirs, and they shall be enslaved and oppressed four hundred years" i.e., the exile begins from the moment of Yitzchak's birth. (Rashi, Bereishit 15:13)
Another hint at the commencement of the period of bondage was found by Rabbi Yissachar Katz (author of "Matnot Kehunah", a commentary on Midrash Rabba) in the word "Vayechi", the opening word of this parasha; a number of midrashim claim that "Vayechi is a term indicating distress."
A number of commentators relate to the Midrashic determination that the bondage began with Yaakov's passing (Baalei HaTosafot, Chizkuni, "Kli Yakar"). Rabbi Efrayim of Lunchitz (author of "Kli Yakar") explains, on the basis of an exact reading of Midrash, that the lack of a space between verse 27 - "Thus Israel settled in the country of Egypt, in the region of Goshen; they acquired holdings in it, and were fertile and increased greatly" - and the opening passage of our parasha teaches us that only during the lifetime of our father Yaakov did Israel dwell in Goshen in ease and in tranquillity; afterwards the bondage began. Two possibilities are suggested:
(1) As long as Yaakov lived, the bondage was delayed in his merit and (2) The Holy One, Blessed Be He, shortened Yaakov's life span so that he not witness the enslavement of his children.
In any case, regardless of how we understand the connection between Yaakov's death and the commencement of the bondage, we must consider what happens when a people is enslaved: "The eyes and hearts of Israel were sealed." A nation that is not free, which is enslaved to another nation, loses the ability to see and the ability to feel. The master nation also loses its ability to see and feel. Blindness and insensitivity do not fall upon a nation or a person suddenly; they are the result of an extended process - the beginning stages are not felt, but the end of the process is the sinking into the 49 levels of impurity. History records many processes of gradual and inconspicuous enslavement of one nation by another; at the beginning, neither the enslaving nation nor the enslaved people is aware of the change. Whoever studies the history of the previous century and visits the Museum of the Shoah in Washington discovers that the rise of the Nazis to power caused, at the beginning of the process, blindness which succeeded in anaesthetizing the German people, a significant part of the Jewish world, and the world at large for a long time, until the overt persecutions began. Bondage seems to begin with the blindness and insensitivity of both oppressor and victim.


The "end" in this context may possibly be the end of the bondage in Egypt. Yaakov, who internalized God's promise to our father Avraham, understands that his going down to Egypt because of the famine symbolizes the beginning of the exile in Egypt; he feels a need, before his death, to equip his sons with a spiritual bequest which contains a message of hope - there will be bondage, but there will come an end. An allusion to this is his request to be buried with his fathers, and also the later request by Yosef, who assimilated the message, (Bereishit 50:25): "Yosef made the sons of Israel swear, saying, "When God has taken notice of you, you shall carry up my bones from here."
Yaakov wanted to enable his sons to rely on a specific date, thinking that perhaps a defined time for liberation would lighten the yoke of slavery.
According to the "Kli Yakar", revelation of the end would have resulted in the loss of hope and in the Children of Israel's assimilation into a foreign land. It is possible, on the other hand, that the exile and the bondage were, in a certain sense, a test of their faith and hope and their willingness to be redeemed even when the appointed time for redemption is not clearly known in advance.
In most Chazal literature, however, "revelation of the end" refers to the end of days, to the Messianic era, and therefore Rashi and the author of the midrash relate to Yaakov, the father of the Jewish people in all generations, and not to the real Biblical figure who, according to a plain-reading of the text, takes leave of his children and grandchildren; "Yaakov our father did not die" (Bavli, Taanit 5b), he lives in our midst.
Our father Yaakov wanted to reveal, to his children and to us, the end of days, but he was prevented from doing so. Sometimes, in a situation when the end is revealed and has a definite "date", there exists the danger that
"such knowledge will bring with it much damage, as they will not call upon Me, and will not consult earlier generations, and they will desire to dwell permanently in the lands of the nations, on own estates in their adopted lands as residents and as those who have despaired of redemption. Therefore God hid and sealed the final end, so that in every generation they will seek the face of God and of David their king, and will not wish to be residents in the lands of the nations, and they will constantly anticipate the end of His salvation."
 ("Kli Yakar" 47: 28)
This danger, as described by the ""Kli Yakar"", exists when the Jewish people is in exile, under the impression that the end is known, but irrelevant to its life, and therefore establishes itself in foreign lands.
There exists, however, an opposite danger, a danger which may be more actual for the nation living today in Zion; the revelation of the end, i.e., interpretation of contemporary history in messianic terms. Not only is there presumption to understand the hidden ways of God - constituting impertinence towards Heaven - it is also liable to seal hearts and eyes.
It is possible, therefore, to homiletically expound the two midrashim quoted by Rashi in another fashion: As long as "Yaakov our father did not die", i.e., as long our moral compass (the image of Yaakov which prevented Yosef from sinning, Yaakov who condemns the acts of Shim'on and Levi) lives within us, we are not enslaved and we do not enslave others. When the Yaakov inside us dies, eyes and heart are sealed because of the tribulations of the bondage. The sorrows of the bondage are liable to lead to "the speeding up of the end" as an illusory solution and as a substitute for challenging and obligating faith. Similarly, the consciousness of the end of days is liable to pervert perception of reality, of the value of the daily coping with faith and hope in an unredeemed word, while striving to repair the world with the Kingdom of God. In this sense, this "sealed parasha" makes possible a life of challenge and faith.
Pinchas Leiser, editor of Shabbat Shalom, is a psychologist

יום שישי, 6 בדצמבר 2013

מיעקב ישראל

לבני משפחתנו, חברותינו וחברינו היקרים,
המעבר  בין הפסוקים  בראשית מה, כז, ל-מה, כח הוא מעניין ביותר: 
(כז) וַיְדַבְּרוּ אֵלָיו אֵת כָּל דִּבְרֵי יוֹסֵף אֲשֶׁר דִּבֶּר אֲלֵהֶם וַיַּרְא אֶת הָעֲגָלוֹת אֲשֶׁר שָׁלַח יוֹסֵף לָשֵׂאת אֹתוֹ וַתְּחִי רוּחַ יַעֲקֹב אֲבִיהֶם
(כח) וַיֹּאמֶר יִשְׂרָאֵל רַב עוֹד יוֹסֵף בְּנִי חָי אֵלְכָה וְאֶרְאֶנּוּ בְּטֶרֶם אָמוּת.
 אחרי ש"רוח יעקב" קמה לתחיה מחדש, הוא נהיה שוב "ישראל". הפעם הראשונה בה הוא נקרא ישראל  היתה כאשר ניצח את "שרו של עשיו", דהיינו ה"שדים" הפנימיים שלו שכללו רגשי אשמה ואיבה. ואלי גם כאן הרוח קמה לתחיה כאשר היא גובר על רגשות האבל והאשמה שלו, אחרי ששלח את יוסף אל אחיו, ביודעו  את שנאתם אליו.
ואולי, יש בכל אחד מאיתנו "יעקב" פנימי, המכיל שדים של חרדה ורגשי אשם והאתגר העומד לפתחנו הוא להשתנות ולהיות "ישראל", על ידי התגברות על הדים הפנימיים שבתוכנו ולפגוש את העולם עם כוח ואמונה
שבת שלום לכולכם
פנחס, ציפי ומשפחתם

Dear Family and Friends,
There is an interesting transition between Bereishit 45, 27 and 45, 28:
27. And they told him all the words of Joseph, which he had said untthem; and when he saw the wagons which Joseph had sent to carry him, the spirit of Jacob their father revived.
28 And Israel said: 'It is enough; Joseph my son is yet alive; I will go and see him before I die.

After the spirit of Jacob has revived, he becomes Israel again; the first time he is called Israel is after overcoming Esav's spirit or inner ghosts ,maybe  connected to his guilt feelings and projection of hostility. Maybe here again his spirit revives after he overcomes his grief and guilt feelings, after he sent Joseph to meet his brothers, knowing how much they hated him.
Maybe each of us has some of Yaacov in himself, with his inner ghosts of anxiety and  guilt feelings and the challenge is to become Israel, after overcoming and mastering these inner ghosts and approach the world with strength and faith.
Shabbat Shalom to all,
Pinchas, Tzippie and Family

יום ראשון, 1 בדצמבר 2013

From the place where we are right Flowers will never grow In the spring.

Al tiragzu baderekh
Pinchas Leiser
After Joseph revealed his identity to his brothers and asked them to bring their father he equipped them with wagon loads of food and clothing and sent them off, telling them, Do not become quarrelsome[al tirgzu] on the way.
The biblical commentators of various generations have attempted to explain the meaning of this send off.
Following the RaMBaM, Rabbi Yitzhak Shemuel Reggio, a 19th century Italian exegete writes:
al tirgzu - this refers to fear, and it says that the fact that they are carrying grain, bread, and food during a draught should not lead them to be afraid of bandits on the road, and similarly during their return [to Egypt] when they will be taking all of their possessions with them. They should remember that he is the governor of all the land of Egypt and he holds the life of all those lands in his hands. All will be in dread of his fearfulness, and therefore they [Joseph's family] will come and go in peace.
RaShBaM interprets the word tiragzu similarly, but gives a different explanation of why they need not fear:
al tirgzu - do not be afraid at all of bandits on the road, because I am at peace from every direction.
Rabbi Shimshon Raphael Hirsch takes a similar approach:
Go on your way in good spirit and do not worry about the future.
What can assuage fear? Joseph's fearfulness? Peaceful relations? Faith and hope?
Perhaps each commentator chose the calming factor with which he was acquainted. In contrast to these, Ibn Ezra writes:
The meaning of al tirgzu - lest each one be angry with his brothers because of his [Joseph's] having been sold.
Rashi and others think that this is the plain meaning of the text, but Rashi mentions two midrashic explanations found in the tractate Ta'anit (10b) before explaining the plain meaning:
Do not quarrel on the way - Do not engage in a halakhic discussion lest the way cause you to stray.
Another explanation: Do not walk with large steps, and enter the city while the sun is shining.
According to the simple meaning of the verse, we can say that since they were ashamed, he (Joseph) was concerned that they would perhaps quarrel on the way about his being sold, debating with one another, and saying, "Because of you he was sold. You slandered him and caused us to hate him." (Judaica Press translation)
ShaDaL (Italy, 19th century) surveys the uses of the root ragaz throughout Scripture and chooses Rashi's plain reading of the verse.
If we consider the Joseph's words in their broader context, we can find that the emotions aroused in the brothers when Joseph made himself known to his brothers fall into a certain sequence. First:
...but his brothers could not answer him because they were startled by his presence. (45:3)
The initial shock and panic arose, perhaps, from a combination of anxiety, confusion, and guilt feelings. Joseph feels the need to address these feelings of guilt and calms them:
But now do not be sad, and let it not trouble you that you sold me here, for it was to preserve life that God sent me before you.
For already two years of famine [have passed] in the midst of the land, and [for] another five years, there will be neither plowing nor harvest.
And God sent me before you to make for you a remnant in the land, and to preserve [it] for you for a great deliverance.
And now, you did not send me here, but God, and He made me a father to Pharaoh, a lord over all his household, and a ruler over the entire land of Egypt. (45:5-7)
Joseph is telling his brothers: In fact, my sale was organized "from Above"
Perhaps we may therefore perceive the shock and panic that develop into feelings of guilt. The feeling of guilt can certainly arouse fear of punishment, and the need to ward off strong feelings of guilt over the sale of Joseph might generate reciprocal accusations amongst the brothers. Therefore it is possible to view the various interpretations, beyond their philological content, as relating to different points upon a continuum of emotions.
It is interesting to note that Rashi chose the midrashic gloss, "Do not engage in a halakhic discussion" as his first and preferred interpretation.
True, Rashi (on Bereishit 37:17) states that "a Biblical verse never loses its plain sense, but sometimes - here, for example - he mentions a midrashic interpretation before giving the plain interpretation of a verse. Apparently, he does so because he believes that here the Sages' midrash has something of great importance to teach us.
On the one hand, we are left with the task of understanding Rabbi Elazar's dictum (from Ta'anit 10b) that Rashi cites; on the other hand, we must think about the significance of the exegetical choices Rashimade in connection with our verse.
What is the connection between engagement in halakhic conversation and rogzat ha'aretz ["the way leading you to stray"]?
In their commentaries on the Talmud, Rashi and others (e.g., the Meiri) point out the need to pay attention to the route of one's journey and warn that engagement in halakhic conversation might cause one to lose one's way. The authors of the Tosafot mention an opposing derasha which points out the dangers of ceasing to engage in halakhic discourse, and they write: "Do not desist from halakhic discourse." The Gemara itself first brings a statement in the name of Rabbi Elai that appears to contradict Rabbi Elazar's dictum and then attempts to strike a compromise between the two opposing positions.
The MaHaRaShA, and Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz in his wake, point out the possible danger of halakhic disagreements leading to quarrels. Indeed, one should not discount the possibility of a halakhiccontroversy coming to take on a personal dimension; it may be affected by irrelevant factors and influence the relationship between the parties to the disagreement. The Talmud offers us explicit literary descriptions of this phenomenon, telling us how the lives of Rabbi Yohanan and Resh Lakish ended in tragedy and how the great Rabbi Eliezer was placed under a ban in the story of Tanuro shel Achnai'i.
True, we are all familiar with the braita that is employed as a prayer and introduction to the Kaddish DeRabbanan, which proclaims that "Torah scholars increase peace in the world," but it may be assumed that this describes an ideal that is not always realized. That is why Rabbi Elazar (perhaps the same Rabbi Elazar [ben Pedat?] who set up the ideal of "Torah scholars increase peace in the world" and who tried unsuccessfully to reconcile and calm Rabbi Yohanan after the death of his beloved student-colleague, Resh Lakish) said: while on the way - do not engage in halakhic discussion. Journeying requires that people walk together, and the unnecessary tension that halakhic discourse can generate should be avoided. The tensions could harm the possibility of walking together and accomplishment of the shared goal.
If so, what is the connection between this midrashic dictum and the instruction Joseph gives his brothers? Did the Sages really think that Joseph's brothers were yeshiva students who wrangled over a difficult passage of Tosafot?
I think that Rabbi Elazar understood that in every generation the greatest dangers arise from debates over "matters of halakha," that is to say, a discussion in which each side is convinced that its position is correct and is unable to listen to and accept any other position, especially when the issue involved is thought of as a matter of principle that is beyond compromise.
That is why Rashi gave a midrashic explanation that, while apparently removing Joseph's instructions to his brothers from its "concrete" historical context, converts the possible quarrel between the brothers into a calculus of ascribed guilt "in accordance with Torah law."
We know that "Jerusalem was destroyed only because they settled court cases according to [the strict letter] of Torah law." People who debate over "justice" cannot walk together or solve a shared problem when each party to the conflict is certain of the absolute justice of his cause, especially when the conflict involves religious aspects.
As the poet Yehuda Amichai put it (in his poem, "In the Place Where We are Right")
From the place where we are right
Flowers will never grow
In the spring.
The place where we are right
Is hard and trampled
Like a yard.
But doubts and loves
Dig up the world
Like a mole, a plow.
And a whisper will be heard in the place
Where the ruined
House once stood.
(Chana Bloch & Stephen Mitchell, translators)